Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spongebob Jaden Pants

It is I.....Spongebob Jaden Pants!!
Well as you can see, I was Spongebob Jaden Pants for Halloween this year, and I was an absolute hit. My mom took me downtown to trick-or-treat. Every person that passed me, be it either a child or an adult, had to stop and say "Look It's Spongebob. Hey there Spongebob." I even got requested to come into one of the local salons in order for all of the stylists and clients to meet me. I also went inside of the Haunted House that they had and wasn't scared one bit. If you ask me, they should have put a little more effort into it. I also had such a good time with Alex the Devil, Brad the Ninja, and Nuri the Princess. If you haven't done so already, be sure to click on my picture above to see me in action.