Friday, May 11, 2007

Party Like A RockStar!!

Ok guys, let me give you the whole story. A few weeks ago, my mom and I were on our way to the mall and this song started playing on the radio. I began to smile and clap my hands once I heard it. Then just the other day as I was on my way home from daycare, the same song came on the radio again. All of the sudden, I started laughing, dancing, and clapping my hands in my carseat. My mom figured that I must really like this song, so she put it on her cell phone and took me over to my grandparents' house to see if I would act the same way again. Of course I did, and she also caught it on video. Check out the clips below to see me in action.

Party Like A RockStar 1
Party Like A RockStar 2

Friday, May 04, 2007

Check Out The Leaf!!

So today after I was picked up from school, my mommy took me to play at Hickory Dickory Park. We had a great time, and I even made some new friends. I walked across the bridge, slid down the slide, swung on the swing set, crawled through the tunnel, and climbed on the tractor all with my big green leaf in hand. Yeah that's right, I said LEAF. It stayed with me almost the entire time until I dropped it coming off the tractor. Oh well, it wouldn't have worked out anyways. It was a tad bit too needy. LOL!!

Me At Hickory Dickory Park