Friday, May 11, 2007

Party Like A RockStar!!

Ok guys, let me give you the whole story. A few weeks ago, my mom and I were on our way to the mall and this song started playing on the radio. I began to smile and clap my hands once I heard it. Then just the other day as I was on my way home from daycare, the same song came on the radio again. All of the sudden, I started laughing, dancing, and clapping my hands in my carseat. My mom figured that I must really like this song, so she put it on her cell phone and took me over to my grandparents' house to see if I would act the same way again. Of course I did, and she also caught it on video. Check out the clips below to see me in action.

Party Like A RockStar 1
Party Like A RockStar 2

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