Monday, August 13, 2007

Well, We're Movin' On Up!!

Today was my first day in the Toddler room at school. They're already got tons of activities planned for me. This week alone, I have water play, a slumber party, and an ice cream treat. My mommy is amazed at how fast I'm growing. I can sign the phrases mommy, daddy, eat, baby, more, and ball. I can tell you the sounds/expressions/movements that cats, dogs, horses, fish, cars, trains, tigers, butterflies, cows, sheep, ducks, and more do. I'm trying this potty training thing out, but enjoy playing with my potty more that I do using it. They only sold the musical potties in the store, so mine sings to me everytime I use it and flush it.

I can't wait for next month though. College football season starts then, and I hope my mommy will take me to a few games this year. In order to get me prepared for the 2007 football season, my aunt has even taught me how to say "War Eagle!" You know I gotta support my Auburn Tigers. I'm their Biggest Little Fan!!

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